Chapter XXXIV
The Prince of Wands
Ghost Mode
~Mode and the subject
Let’s equate ~mode to the subject and see how this move turns out. It is immediately
clear that a subject who is tilde can never be part of our universe which is under non~
description. Science can never catch hold of the subject, referred to by “I,” as a matter of
principle, since “I” escapes our universe—the one that experimental science studies—by
defaulting it. “I” properly am I~, and so not knowable, only re-markable, having an
address that is annihilated.
Transiting from 1628 BC to around 1200 BC on board the Flying Dutchman occurred within a hyper spatial alternative reality bubble which coexists with the traditional now universe with which we are all a part of and familiar. The molecular composition of the Dutchman and all those aboard was in all reality the ~mode of the in-between existence between the two end points of the worm hole within which the group travelled on bard the Dutchman. Space-time travel beyond the immediate event horizon always involves the establishment of a conjugate ~reality counter imaged from the source field undergoing temporal displacement outside of the local gravitational fold of Earth space-time.
The ~QBLH did not notice subjectively any transition in his own bodily displacement, but Genie actively controlling the interface between Earth space-time and the Dutchman’s bubble. Interface holograms were available to provide Qblh with observations of events on Earth as he flashed through that time period if desired. Interfacing with the control computer was always a routine task each time his environmental “boxed” area was in a high energy or rapid acceleration field.
It may be questioned that Jim’s body was not material so that he would not be able to interface with a much slower time field, but that is completely not true. With the creation of another time field the principles of continuity still applied to govern all transitions. The creation of the imaginary ~body fields to counter the real bodies which were projected through time.
During this transition Qblh queried the Genie using traditionally established protocol.
“Well, Idiot, I think I have a completely new perspective concerning this planet Earth. I am not certain as to what extent I shall be able to interface without violating causality.”
“We ca interface because your ~consciousness is doing so at this very moment with me. You are in ghost or imaginary mode as your body is frozen within our hyper spatial trajectory “elsewhere”. In this “elsewhere”, we have expanded our local time field so that we may function at will. What is it that you would will?” Genie asked Qblh.
“I am interested in making some spatial temporal ghost queries. Provide me a hologrammed image of some relevant historic events so that we can be properly orientated by the time we hit Greece.”
If brain functioning has quantum degrees of freedom, then it ought to be able to
do very different things than a brain conceived as wet computer might do. Analogous to
the way that 20th century quantum physics was a revolution for common sense, quantumbrain theory threatens revolution in the 21st century against the common sense that thebrain is a wet computer.
“ (1)Gordon Globus M.D.
Qblh’s brain, or even his ~brain were still the results of a continuous experience through his own local relative being space. His other ~selves which were images or extensions of his own real experience could be considered ghosts of his former selves, but “present” and also in real space somewhere else was even possible, and this ability is actually the secret concerning his ability to appear as if he were in two different locations at the same time. The entire excursion throughout Earth’s space and time would essentially take zero time, Artemis time. It could then be debated as to whether or not Qblh as he visited Earth was simply the ~~body of his Artemis body, or a material manifestation of his imaginary Artemis self which was in all actuality a projection of his actual source body field still located on Artemis yet to experience his next microsecond of existence continuing on from where his journey had him depart Artemis for the Earth experience. All these other simultaneous selves were in fact physical eigenvalues or eigenrelationships to his accelerated body state.
The alter universe is strange indeed. Umezawa denotes it with the symbol of negation,
‘~’. This ‘~’ is not the negation we understand as no-thing, which already assumes
objectuality in the reference to “thing.” Of course, our quantum universe also lacks
objectuality but it readily collapses to the objectual on measurement, whereas the alter
universe is unmeasurable, indeed, unknowable. This ‘~’ does not negate some-thing but
annihilates objectuality altogether. The alter universe defaults our quantum universe, at
addresses in relation to which “negation” and “thing” can never in principle be applied,
even as a potential. Derrida (1981) calls such a default a “re-mark.” A re-mark marks
only an “address,” where the directly and indirectly knowable both default to an altereity
ever beyond our ken.
This unknowable is more radically unknowable than for whom the unknowable exists, though not in a form that is conceivable.
" (1)Gordon Globus M.D.
Salitis, the Sultan of Avaris had savagely forced submission from the Egyptians by sacking great cities, including Memphis. Beautiful temples to the gods were demolished and cities were set on fire. Salitis showed no mercy to the Egyptians and the Hyksos conducted themselves in a barbarous fashion killing all those that offered resistance and reducing their wives and children to slavery, even enslaving the children of Israel who were not ever Hyksos warriors. They had tended flocks to feed the armies of Kamose and Ahmose when the Hyksos surrendered Avaris, so they stayed in Egypt to be slaves to the Egyptians instead of the Amorirte kings who had been driven out by Ahmose I.
Salitis and the Hittites were also friendly to the refugees from Keftiu. The priestesses of Artemis held great influence throughout all off Asia. Nevertheless, the fifteenth century would provide a major setback to Artemis interests as the male pharaohs enslaved the Asiaticss and destroyed all alien temples, putting in place false images of male gods to rule over all. The ruling pharaohs deified themselves as they vainly wasted the lives of slaves to build monuments and temples for eternal glory. Almost all which they would accomplish would waste away with the dust and be forgotten.
Egypt had already been in a state of decline before the Santorini explosion. The Sultan of Avaris, allied with Crete, Santorini, Kerma and the Hittites, was very capable of containing any Egyptian attacks. Eventually Thebes managed to recapture all of the delta area.
The sudden scarcity of copper after Thera erupted allowed for the rapid development of the newer iron weaponry. The forge masters from Santorini easily reapplied their skills to create the small fiery furnaces which were to be used to manufacture specialty pieces and superior iron weaponry which would bring to an end to the power of the Egyptian dynasties. The power of Egypt’s new enemies was in their chariot power, horsemanship, and some new iron weaponry. The Hyksos masters of the Nile data strangled the supply of resources to Egypt so as to limit Egypt’s military power but not her determination to eliminate the enemy to the north. Ahmose I would exercise brutal vengeance when the Hyksos were driven out.
Perhaps it may remain forever unclear in history as to whether the dynasty established by Salitis enslaved the descendants of Israel, but we can be certain the Egyptians after driving out the Hyksos did enslave the non-Egyptian noncombatants and families remaining in Avaris and vicinity.
Regardless of that, abolishment of slavery, fair treatment of others, and proper utilization of resources would certainly describe the interests he would promote. Project Theseus did involve injecting a kernel of influence with regard to promoting the concept of human equality beyond the current forms of political and social organization. Egypt was stuck in the past clinging to images of prior accomplishments which no one could remember performing.
During that period the Exodus of the Hebrews from Egypt would occur. The Santorini incident had led to a series of events which would find them slaves. They were once received as guests by a friendly pharaoh, honored and granted the right to live in peace. Over time, more Canaanites, Amorites, Edomites, Ishmaelites, and the family of Esau settled in the delta area around Avaris drawn by the great medical schools, commerce and urban stability of Heliopolis and Avaris as Anat governed the area through her human hybrid sons who acted as kings. During the times of great instability and barbarism, the region experienced warfare and enslavement of those who chose to not murder the enemies as soldiers of kings who forced upon the populations the worship of nonexistent gods.
The Egyptians, because of their past achievements considered themselves as a race better than either their northern or southern neighbors. Resources were expended not truly to expand commerce, but to manufacture dead stone monuments so as to satisfy the ambitions of the pharaoh of the time.
It may remain unclear in history as to whether the dynasty established by Salitis enslaved the descendants of Israel, but we can be certain the Egyptians after driving out the Hyksos did enslave the non-Egyptian noncombatants and families remaining in Avaris and vicinity.
Qblh would be made aware of the Exodus and the facts, but paradox avoidance algorithms prevented a certain amount of involvement. It was not his responsibility to be involved with that event. Instead, it would be better simply to act as a witness where possible and be happy that he discovered the truth. His sensors would be able to detect and selectively amplify the light of the events as he transited through the sixteenth, fifteenth and fourteenth centuries BC as he made the time jump through the period. The velocity of his transit would manifest his existence simply as a ghost of himself as the relative temporal displacement would occur.
Regardless of that, abolishment of slavery, fair treatment of others, and proper utilization of resources would certainly describe the interests he would promote. Project Theseus did involve injecting a kernel of influence with regard to promoting the concept of human equality beyond the current forms of political and social organization. Egypt was stuck in the past clinging to images of prior accomplishments which no one could remember performing.
Egypt had developed some good ideas with regard to social organization, but many exercised policies were quite flawed and would eventually prove fatal. Her enemies were not that much better, and some foreign powers simply allied themselves where it was most advantageous to their own interests. The warriors who had invaded from the East and had created the Hyksos dynasty would strive to complete their conquest of Egypt but would fail. True to legend, the Ishmaelites had almost replaced the Egyptian empire with one of their own, but instead were driven out of Egypt and the remainder of the non-Egyptian Asiatics who were not driven out were enslaved. The retreating Hyksos surrendered Avaris and retreated towards Canaan still allied with the Phoenicians and what remained of Crete. Jim would make landfall in Greece and what is now western Turkey to exercise his planned adventures with Helen and Antiope and had no intent of making any visits to Egypt.
Genie needed the living consciousness of Jim or Qblh to facilitate the quantum dynamics needed to create source and control signals as transition elsewhere was experienced by anyone.
Earlier theoretical formulation of memory traces into a full-fledged quantum brain dynamics
(QBD) associated with consciousness
The unknowable exists, though not in a form that is conceivable.
Nonetheless, the unknowable can be conceived via its “efficacity,” its effects upon the knowable.
This is an indirect knowledge of the unknowable through its effects, in thetime-honored fashion of physics. “Unknowable” in the present sense defaults our quantum universe to an alter universe forbidden to us in principle, only re-markable as the address of default. What exists is the re-mark, the address of singularity. The default as such does not even exist, only its address does.
The only interchange between these dual universes of Umezawa is in the least energy vacuum state common to both of them, which functions as an ontological between-two,the vacuum state between of dual universes.
Dual universes participate in the between
The living brain as open, dissipative, far-from-equilibirum system embedded in the body,specializes in control of the vacuum state. The living brain here has great advantage over silicon, in controlling its between rather than being its creature, like a computer is. The dissipative brain system hoists oscillating, spinning dipoles, whose least energy state is the vacuum state, and controls them. One source of control is the input flow from external world and the body, whose symmetries (invariances) constrain the match in the between. Another source of control is unimode recognition traces. The weights on the recognition traces control the possibility of actualization. The more an input invariance has been re-cognized, the greater its weight and the more likely it will make a match and be actualized.